Thursday, October 1, 2020

Simulated world inside your brain

The brain contains a world-simulation-machine. That is a good thing, because instead of trying different moves in the real world and see how they work out, you can do it in your simulation of the world inside your brain, which probably saved your (real) life many times.

But be careful not to lose the ability to really SEE the real world as it is. The simulation is only a simulation, and it can be wrong or incomplete in many aspects. When you look, really look with your eyes, on the real world, don't look inside your brain on your simulated world.

I caught myself searching for the phone I had put down somewhere, and I realized that I was running around, but not really looking at the different places, instead rather going through the places inside my memory and not looking at the places in front of my eyes. That way of course I will not find what I am looking for.

The really imporant thing is the world here and now, and not the memory of the world how it was or the vision of the world how it might be.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

You are not your thinking

 Your thinking shall only be a tool of your being. Don't become its slave. Being able to pause your thinking on will is a desirable goal, but not an easy one.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Fear of death

The fear of death is actually the fear of dying without knowing that life had a meaning.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Bigger is not always better

For every problem there is a computer of optimum size to solve it. A more complex computer than the optimum size will give worse results, maybe comparable to the phenomenom of overlearning in neural networks. Also compare nature: The problem of survival is not at all solved better by the more intelligent species.

Friday, May 3, 2019

If you find yourself pondering the same question over and over without any progress, it is time to change subject.